Many things going on. Neither unpleasant nor pleasant. I wrote about my first 2 weeks. Pain and swelling has certainly gone down after first 2 weeks. I started PT with very basic leg lifts and other exercises to increase my range of motion. I stopped pain killers but my biggest complaint remained, NOT BEING ABLE TO SLEEP.
I returned CPM after 3rd week after going till 110 degrees. By the end of 3rd week, I was practicing walking without immobilizer. But I could not get through sleeping issues as I wanted to bend my leg. bending my leg wasn't painful but releasing it required my attention and I would be half awake while doing it. I slept very consciously and less.
4th week, I started going to office and I started walking more than I use to do. It was uncomfortable but not bad. Those hallway conversations were very uncomfortable as I had to stand still and narrate my experience.
5th week, I removed my immobilizer and started limping. limp walk was comfortable and I was very happy about progress. Occasionally, my leg would give up and I didn't push it after that. I started driving comfortably. I visited doc and my doc was very happy with my range of motion and progress I made considering the DVT I had.
I think I took total bath here and removed all wraps around my knee.
6th week, I started biking around my community. My wife use to run along with me to make sure that I am safe :). I used to bike only around community to avoid traffic and power stops using my right leg. first few rotations were very painful on cycle but slowly it got comfortable. I really pushed my limits here. it yielded good results. I was able to sleep properly. Once I started sleeping comfortably and pushing my limits on cycle, my confidence has gone up and I was able to make very good progress in PT.
By 2 months, I was comfortably walking but with little limp still. We worked on my limp and started doing weight exercises to strengthen my leg. I purchased new bicycle and started more bicycling. I almost got back to normal.
It is almost 3 months now, I started going to Yoga (will modify some postures) and working on my lateral moves.
Good luck to those reading with ACL concerns. Feel free to drop a comment for any questions.