It’s Monday January 28th. I went for haircut, called a cleaning company to get our home cleaned. Fasted till my surgery (no water for few hours).
Myself and Pranitha checked into surgery center at 1:45 PM and filled out couple of forms. I was taken for dressing. After dressing, pre-requisite work starts. A needle went inside my left hand. So soft and unnoticing as numbness cream is applied. This is to keep me hydrant. Nurse took out a pen and wrote “YES” on my right knee and “NO” on my left knee. Just to avoid confusion at surgery room. Anesthesia doctor checked in and explained about anesthesia. As I have motion sickness, anti-nausea was also prescribed along with anesthesia. Surgeon checked in and took us through operation again.
Operation theater:
I was taken into Operation Theater. Anesthesia doctor tried to make it easy to me by putting up some conversation. I started answering them. 1, 2, 3…my surgery is done. When I woke up I could see Pranitha and my friends. I was given bread, juice, pain killers etc., I was too drowsy to talk. It is evening. They gave us some instructions and wheel chaired me to our car. Bhanu drove me back home along with Pranitha and Pravin drove our car home. We came home. I was given shoulders to get into home. As our steps to upstairs weren’t so spacious. I sat on steps and climbed up.
Surgery night:
I was hesitant to take oxycodone as I was told, it will increase constipation. I took it and thought it is last time I am going to take it. I slept fine without any issues. Not a lot of pain. I was able to get into restroom and sit. Ok no more oxycodone I thought.
Days 1 and 2:
It is better to stay ahead of pain I read. It was extremely painful for me later. I was adjusting my elevation of pillows. I tried to do knee bending exercises and stopped. I should have taken pain pills. I took it later, but it was too late. Pain all over. Second day afternoon, I called doctor to explain the pain and he referred me to ultra sound check.
Ultra sound:
I visited clinic and I wasn’t tired. I wasn’t feeling pain. I felt much better to walk on crutches. I went through ultra sound and they found couple of blood clots. Damn it! We had to go to another clinic to meet nurse practitioner to discuss options. We drove there. She pointed us to time sensitive medication. Injections every 12 hours for first couple of days and tablets for next 3 months. Hardest part is follow up appointments. I had 2 extra appointments to check on blood clot above my surgeon’s appointment on Monday.
How is it now?
Well, it is not very comfortable obviously. I wake up at around 2 AM with a pain on lower part of my knee. I changed elevation and started using the machine given for knee pushing as my elevation. I took my brace off. Initially I felt comfortable with these settings but it is same again while writing this (5:00 AM on feb 1st ).
Talk to your surgeon about knee elevation and if possible, get a demo. Those pillows didn’t prove comfortable to me, but maybe I did not place them right.
Take medication as prescribed. No matter what your fkking pain level is.
Pain in Calf: Do not take it easy. It could be blood clot. it is better to tackle it early.