Vasu darling, yours is an awesome performance. Always my blessings with you. You made my day yesterday. You explaining about diwali, your honesty everything is very impressive..all the best my little sister.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Vasundara Raturi a Little champion
A Different Contribution
After i got settled, i made it a habit to collect money from different sources and distribute it to needy. There were many instances...
Some months back, There was an ad in news paper saying that one child needs to be operated and operation costs around 25000. i have made an online transfer and the response was really great and child was safe. Same case happened in Apollo, hyderabad, where i went personally and donated money.
Some months back again, i had a school, which i closed and now i am paying fee for few children. I always felt proud and pay fee everymonth and track progress.
Some days back, i have contributed to an organization who runs an oldage home. It was another proud act. was a little different situation, rather a hard situation. Recently, My friend met with an accident where he is hospitalized and he has lost one of his family member. I am very poor at strenghtening people in such situation. i went to him along with my friend after some 15 days and spoke with him. i spoke to him all non-sense (which made sense at that moment). After all, i have to donate him some amount. i was seeing at my friend (who came along with me) thinking that he would initiate this topic. But he was not talking and he asked me to give it suddenly. It was an embarassing situation. I took out money from my pocket,Immediately, i have observed my friend in an embarassing situation. It was a tough time, me and my friend sat and made him compromise and take this money.
I have a little to talk about donors also. They always want some money to be spent on some purpose. They are always ready to donate in emergency cases. There are many situations, where the people who received money felt happy from their heart. I will tell you, every heart feel will be a blessing to these donors. Hats Off guys.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Top MBA Careers
I aspire to do MBA, My plan is to represent the work of company and not to do the work that represents company (Ofcourse there may be bit deviation to this statement in other cases). Anyway i have collected few MBA careers from other site(just copied and pasted) and classified it for any future use. i will be adding full list going forward
IT Background and career after MBA towards IT
Director of Mobile Computing. If you love mobile technology and have an MBA with a focus on information technology, this might be the career for you. CNN Money says that keeping all these mobile lifelines updated and in good working order now comes with a title and a nice paycheck.
Business Relationship Management. You know how that guy from the IT department keeps trying to explain that new software to you but you still don’t get it? That might be because your organization doesn’t have a Business Relationship Manager. This managerial expert is the liaison between the technology and the people in a company, and helps make the transitions to new technology smoother. As the impact of technology on day-to-day business continues to grow and evolve, corporations are finding it important to have someone established to help smooth out the rough edges.
Collaboration Services. Individuals in the office often collaborate on projects; but how can someone in the New York office successfully collaborate with their counterpart in Tokyo? With collaboration services, of course. Technology such as web-conferencing, intranets, and other services make it not only possible, but also easy. To facilitate these collaborations, a management specialist is needed to oversee all the efforts of the corporation.
Professional Coach. This coach position comes without a whistle. Professional business coaches may come in to train staff of a company, help an entrepreneur launch a new business, or help an experienced professional change careers. The need for coaches has exploded in the last decade, with nearly 20% of professional coaches making hefty six-figure incomes.
Customer Relationship Management. There is one thing every business needs to succeed whether it’s a management consulting firm or the corner store, and that is customers. How do you attract customers? How do you retain them? The specialist in Customer Relationship Management tackles this equation. Making your customers happy and engaging in repeat business has become a science, and an MBA with a specialization in Marketing is the way to go if CRM is for you.
Business-to-Business Marketing. What if your business’s primary customers are other businesses? You can’t use the same marketing techniques that are used for individuals; you need a specialized marketing manager. Business-to-business marketing (B2B) is an exploding market that, according to Finance Magazine, has grown over 60% in the last ten years.
Finance Or Accounting
Director of Internal Controls. Thanks to legislation like the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, businesses are awash in new rules regarding their money management. Companies now need an individual who can manage the flow of internal financial information, make sure everyone is complying with rules and regulations, safeguard assets, adhere to company policies—and promote efficiency at the same time.
Business Continuity Director. September 11, Hurricane Katrina, the Midwest power outage—how do businesses continue to function when the worst happens? Because business is so heavily reliant on technology, companies must prepare for any calamity that might interrupt power or prevent employees from getting to the office. The MBA that will help get you into this niche career could be in information technology or in finance.
Chief People Officer. What used to be the Human Resources Director has morphed into an even bigger job with a bigger title. Large international companies need a CPO with a wide range of experience and a knack for finding the best talent. Workplace management is a huge concern, especially with issues such as the costs of health care impacting a company’s bottom line. An MBA graduate with a focus in human resources might find this the perfect fit.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Glory of night...
I sit in cab at 11 PM in the night to reach my home from office. It happens many times that i leave around 11. I will have my MP3 on and start thinking,
why team didnt perform so well today? Is there some thing which i could have done? Lemme automate few things and find permanent solution for this....Lemme take responsibility and make the team better...
Now after 5 KM's
why was there misunderstanding between me and my fnd on that day, is it necessary? I could have got compromised....Its ok, in future, i will have a compromise...nothing wrong compromising with fnds...
After another 5 KM's
what a music Rehman has given to this album..Ok Let me turn to another album and hear some folk or mass, these songs are also too good, when singer is singing on high pitch, music started slowly and ended up in high was excellent mix by music director...
Another 5 KM's while reaching home...
when i was staying in home, my family use to wait for me and eat at this time...we had fun @ dinner. Now all are gone, life has become mechanical...Let me open a blog and write abt how life has become so mechanical now a day..
Like this, a fresh thought mixed with positive attitude comes to our mind in the nights..what ever the songs i listen, mass or classics, i find good in that. I am looking for solutions when ever i feel bad of some thing and not complaining it. This is the credit of night, where every soul will be packed disturbance. May be this is the reason, why sex has also got priority in the life and its said that, it will satisfy people.
This thought also to write about night has born at night.
Our Kalam talks abt how an Indian should be...
Was First citizen listed what are all the things an Indian citizen could do to make India another US or any other developed nation..
The President of India DR. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 's Speech in Hyderabad . *
Why is the media here so negative?Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements?
We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why?
We are the first in milk production. We are number one in Remote sensing satellites. We are the second largest producer of wheat.We are the second largest producer of rice.Look at Dr. Sudarshan , he has transferred the tribal village into a self-sustaining, self-driving unit. There are millions of such achievements but our media is only obsessed in the bad news and failures and disasters. Iwas in Tel Aviv once and I was reading the Israeli newspaper. It was the dayafter a lot of attacks and bombardments and deaths had taken place. TheHamas had struck. But the front page of the newspaper had the picture of aJewish gentleman who in five years had transformed his desert into an orchid and a granary. It was this inspiring picture that everyone woke up to. The gory details of killings, bombardments, deaths, were inside in thenewspaper, buried among other news.In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime. Why are we so NEGATIVE?
Another question: Why are we, as a nation so obsessed with foreign things? We want foreign T. Vs, we want foreign shirts. We want foreign technology.Why this obsession with everything imported. Do we not realize that self-respect comes with self-reliance? I was in Hyderabad giving this lecture,when a 14 year old girl asked me for my autograph. I asked her what her goal in life is. She replied: I want to live in a developed India . For her, you and I will have to build this developed India . You must proclaim. Indiais not an under-developed nation; it is a highly developed nation. Do you have 10 minutes? Allow me to come back with a vengeance. Got 10 minutes for your country? If yes, then read; otherwise, choice isyours.YOU say that our government is inefficient.YOU say that our laws are too old. YOU say that the municipality does not pick up the garbage. YOU say that the phones don't work, the railways are a joke,The airline is the worst in the world, mails never reach their destination.YOU say that our country has been fed to the dogs and is the absolute pits. YOU say, say and say. What do YOU do about it?Take a person on his way to Singapore . Give him a name - YOURS. Give him aface - YOURS. YOU walk out of the airport and you are at your International best. In Singapore you don't throw cigarette butts on the roads or eat in the stores. YOU are as proud of their Underground links as they are. You pay $5 (approx. Rs. 60) to drive through Orchard Road (equivalent of MahimCauseway or Pedder Road) between 5 PM and 8 PM. YOU come back to the parking lot to punch your parking ticket if you have over stayed in a restaurant or a shopping mall irrespective of your status identity... In Singapore youdon't say anything, DO YOU? YOU wouldn't dare to eat in public during Ramadan, in Dubai . YOU would not dare to go out without your head coveredin Jeddah . YOU would not dare to buy an employee of the telephone exchange in London at 10 pounds ( Rs.650) a month to, 'see to it that my STD and ISD calls are billed to someone else.'YOU would not dare to speed beyond 55 mph (88 km/h) in Washington and then tell the traffic cop,'Jaanta hai main kaun hoon (Do you know who I am?). I am so and so's son. Take your two bucks and get lost.' YOU wouldn't chuck an empty coconut shell anywhere other than the garbage pail on the beaches in Australia and NewZealand .Why don't YOU spit Paan on the streets of Tokyo ? Why don't YOU use examination jockeys or buy fake certificates in Boston ??? We are still talking of the same YOU. YOU who can respect and conform to a foreign system in other countries but cannot in your own. You who will throw papers and cigarettes on the road the moment you touch Indian ground. If you can be an involved and appreciative citizen in an alien country, why cannot you be thesame here in India ?Once in an interview, the famous Ex-municipal commissioner of Bombay , Mr. Tinaikar , had a point to make. 'Rich people's dogs are walked on the streets to leave their affluent droppings all over the place,' he said. 'And then the same people turn around to criticize and blame the authorities for inefficiency and dirty pavements. What do they expect the officers to do? Go down with a broom every time their dog feels the pressure in his bowels?In America every dog owner has to clean up after his pet has done the job. Same in Japan . Will the Indian citizen do that here?' He's right. We go to the polls to choose a government and after that forfeit all responsibility.We sit back wanting to be pampered and expect the government to do everything for us whilst our contribution is totally negative. We expect the government to clean up but we are not going to stop chucking garbage allover the place nor are we going to stop to pick a up a stray piece of paper and throw it in the bin. We expect the railways to provide clean bathrooms but we are not going to learn the proper use of bathrooms.We want Indian Airlines and Air India to provide the best of food andtoiletries but we are not going to stop pilfering at the least opportunity. This applies even to the staff who is known not to pass on the service to the public. When it comes to burning social issues like those related towomen, dowry, girl child! and others, we make loud drawing room protestations and continue to do the reverse at home. Our excuse? 'It's the whole system which has to change, how will it matter if I alone forego mysons' rights to a dowry.' So who's going to change the system? What does a system consist of ? Very conveniently for us it consists of our neighbours, other households, other cities, other communities and thegovernment. But definitely not me and YOU. When it comes to us actually making a positive contribution to the system we lock ourselves along with our families into a safe cocoon and look into the distance at countries far away and wait for a Mr.Clean to come along & work miracles for us with a majestic sweep of his hand or we leave the country and run away. Like lazy cowards hounded by our fears we run to America to bask in their glory and praise their system. When New York becomes insecure we run to England . When England experiences unemployment, we take the next flight out to the Gulf. When the Gulf is war struck, we demand to be rescued and brought home by the Indian government. Everybody is out to abuse and rape the country. Nobody thinks of feeding the system. Our conscience is mortgaged to money.Dear Indians, The article is highly thought inductive, calls for a greatdeal of introspection and pricks one's conscience too....
I am echoing J. F. Kennedy 's words to his fellow Americans to relate to Indians..... 'ASK WHAT WE CAN DO FOR INDIAAND DO WHAT HAS TO BE DONE TO MAKE INDIA WHAT AMERICA AND OTHER WESTERN COUNTRIES ARE TODAY' Lets do what India needs from us.Forward this mail to each Indian for a change instead of sending Jokes or junk mails.
Thank you,Dr. Abdul Kalaam
Monday, October 22, 2007
20-20 Champions
I am labour, i will have to work for almost around 15 hours a day. I will have no chance to watch cricket. But fortunately in my vacation, i covered 20-20. Young Indians are tigers. Future India certainly rocks...
It was poor performance again by Indians versus aussies. I am not sure how many times seniors should be blamed for all these defeats. Eagerly waiting for their retirement.
Sourav - Man he is playing to strengthen his place and for nothing else. He is killing all the energy, aggressive ness in the field. This guy has to voluntarily go out. You have stunning records in Intl Cricket. But You are no longer an add-on to the team. Stay away.
Dravid - Great wall. Everything is going bad. I know this guy will voluntarily go out.
Now its Young Indians turn - while i am seeing commentary over web for last 50 over match and 20-20 match, i am fascinated to see two statements...
"Ponting looks very tensed in field now" - This happened when zaheer and karthik are taking away match from aussies. You both rock....
Pontings stmt after 20-20 match..I wanna play more with young Indians...Young team, You know who quoted these words. Racist captain Ricky ponting, who does not give a damn while playing to any team. They dominate every time. You brought tension on their face, You attracted their interest. You gave them tough competition...Good Job team...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Kadapa - Bangalore - Bandipur - Bangalore - Hyderabad
Thank God!!! i got a chance to visit all these, rather i would say my cage is opened to have a fresh breathe. Its not 2-3 days vacation this time, i got 10 days to freak out....It started on 14th September
It was an instant idea to go to Bangalore and reach out near by areas. After going through sites and reviews, we decided to go to Bannergatta National Park on first day, Mysore GRS fantasy Park on Second day and third day to Bandipur. This third day trip was under abeyance because either we have to go to Bandipur or to Ooty or some other places, because we have Bannergatta national park in our schedule already. See how it ended..
Bangalore on 1st day: After crossing some Horrible traffic (Believe me, i never saw such traffic in hyderabad, its really horrible, standing traffic at every signal and every signal will be very near by), we reached Bannergatta national park @ 11 AM. There are around 4 choices to enter forest..
1. Walk
2. Elephant ride
3. Safari
4. Wild Safari (Or some other name, the only difference with safari is, we will have bears and lions included)
We took 4th option and moved, Karnataka Tourism mini bus was waiting. I was always dreaming about open jeep to enter any forest, but unfortunate these people dont have that facility. we got into a sealed bus, i got a feeling that Animals may enjoy watching men in Zoo. First animal to meet us is deers and later stags. Later we entered in Beer zone, Beers were running on roads, it was a good see. Later we went into elephants zone, unfortunate no elephant found. Later into tigers zone, Floods of tigers roaming around. It was a real good zoo. Surprised by the term zoo, Yes i am writing correctly, this bannergatta national park has got many ferocious animals but this is literally a zoo. Drivers knows exactly where animals stay because there is fencing and animals will not cross them. One difference between zoo and this park is park contains N number of tigers where as in zoo, its only one. May be any name, zoo or national park, i enjoyed upto 40% atleast seeing those many tigers saved there. There is nothing much you can enjoy here, but 100% safety ensured and real visual treat for people who like watching many animals. This park has got no time restrictions (Morning to evening) and other attractions include butter fly park, zoo...though i never visited them, i can say entire trip can be completed in 3-4 hours here. We had a lunch at that restaurent, i wish you arrange your food while coming here.
We changed second day schedule to visit Wonder La, 20 KMs away from bangalore (very much similar to GFS fantasy park). Good place, It will take atleast 8-10 hours to complete all rides. But remember for water rides, no costumes will be provided for rent, you will have to buy. It is better to take our own rather than buying them. Its timings are also flexible (12-6 for water rides and other attractions till 8 PM on week ends and till 7PM on other days). You bet, you will hang there till the end of every thing. Virtual reality show is good technically Ofcourse there is nothing more exciting about this, you can enjoy (better than 3D films, a fresh look).
We decided to go to Bandipur National Park on 3rd day, as we missed all excitement seeing bannergatta national park, Bandipur is around 200 Kms from Bangalore and 80 Kms away from Ooty.
Reached Bandipur at around 9 AM, happened to see Deers on the way and a perfect forest look. We stopped at reception, i was surprised to see timings(i didnt know them earlier).
Forest entry timings are
1. 6 to 9 AM
2. 4 to 6:30 PM
So i booked an open top gypsy for evening (around 1200 for Indians and 1600 for Foreigners). Gypsy will have a capacity of 5 (On request they can accomodate more, we were 7 and they charged 1600). I have not seen any wild animals in the forest in my 90 minute trekking, then also it is worth entering this forest. People who like to enjoy nature will definitely love to visit this forest many times. Safety is least prioritized in this forest. Transport to other places is not that good, better to have our own vehicle. Climate will be sexy all the time. There are very few restaurents or hotels to stay there for 2 or 3 days. They charge 2000 per person.
Places around this to visit are Gopala Swamy Betta. Never Never miss this temple. This temple is built in the midst of wild forest and you can enjoy nature like anything near this temple.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
College Alumni meet today - Part II
idhi maa college first alumni meet of our HOD lesaru speech modaletteyyanu..
Its a very first of its kind...our college arranging this meet...You people must be knowing its very first of its kind...many students came here, i am very happy to see them...even though its first of its kind, i am happy to see good strength here...
naaku, maa friends ki navvagatle...nee first of its kind tagaleyya, raatranta bus lo baga alochinchukoni raaskonochinattunnave anukoni...aa naati rojulu gurtu techukunnam...this HOD was our acting principal once...maa friend intlo oka sad incident jarigindi, so we asked this prince guy permission to send all of us and boycott classes for that day..prince did not accept, we demanded,then also no. we left classes and started marching out.watchman did not allow us to go out...dobbukoni elpoinam anthe. aaroju aipoindi, next day first hour
Class ki faculy raaledu, prince dooresadu..vaammo eedu dooradani andaru stun aipoyam...he started...You people are not behaving like students , you are behaving like rowdies, goondas anukuntu saavadobuttunnadu...mem as usual last bench lo getti gettiga navvukuntunnam...unnattundi yemaindo yemo yedchesadu principal yededo cheppukuntu...aina maaku navvu aagale...asalenduku yedchado yemo
ila HOD speech ki gurtochesindi, next vallanta mamuluga charimen ni pogudutu vice chairmen ni pogudutu yedo sollu cheptu levels taggipotunnai..marie gold biscuitlu scene kaithe andariki ollanta kaalipoindi
last ki okayana speech start chesaru, starting bane unnindi tarvatha tarvatha aina involve aipoi prophet mohammed charitra, bhagadwadgeetha cheptunnaru..aapavayya please ante kuda aapatle...cheppatlu kotti try chesam..oohoh, no use...aina style lo aina saavagotti antha aipoyakane aapadu...inka naa yokka valla kaale akkadundatam, ventane jumpooooo jumpu....
College Alumni meet today
I worked for all night on 18th and left to room at 7 AM on 19th. I leaned on to bed without even brushing. A phone call from my friend...i picked it up...i heard my friend talking without any break
where are you? are you on the way? i am starting, Sir called me..come on
i said whats going on?
Today we have alumni meet, you have to come..i said i cannot do it..Bye
Another phone call, i wish to tell about this in yettanu karma kali
ataip voice: yemaya yekkadunnav
me: room lo unnanu, intaki nuvvevaru
ataipu: nenaya mohan babu sir ni
me: o sir meera hi sir
ataipu: i am expecting 50 members..tondaraga andariki phone chesi arrange cheyyavaya
me: (okkasariga ulikki padda 50 anagane) Sir nen kuda raalenemo sir, ippude vocha office nunchi
ataipu: ivvalaki adjust avavaya..please
ila pettesaru ...sare veldam le ani teerigga TV chustunna..
after 10 mins, malli phone mogindi, malli Sir gaaride phone...parledu rest teesko antademo ani phone yettanu
Sir: yendivaya inka raala nuvvu
Me: (dimma thirigipoindi naaku) padi nimishalaindi anthe sir meeru phone chesi, oka ganta padutundi sir nen ready ayi raavali ante
Sir: chairmen gaaru 11 kantha vellipovalanta, tondaraga raa ba
Me: vostunnanu sir
inka lesi ready ayi o araganta tarvatha bayalderi gantakella reach aipoyanu, maa paatha mohalanni yedurayyayi abba anukoni oka sarcastic smile ichi dusukonellanu..11 aindi, yedava jeevitham chairmen 11 ki vellipovalannaru, chooste 11 kocharu
Second part gurinchi inko post lo maatladukundam
60th Independence Day - - Memorable
All these years from my childhood, Independence day was only considered as a national holiday by me. Ofcourse some times case was different, while attending essay writing competitions or some other competition, i have spent enough time on national leaders and nation but never won a prize or never presented correctly about nation. But this time, its altogether a different deal. Along with few of my colleagues in company, we visited an organization named WOMEN who has given shelter to Helpage India....Confused right?...we will talk about helpage and WOMEN in later part.
Started with Flag Hoist and Jana gana Mana ..we assembled in small place which accomodated around 75 Old people + 30-40 Volunteers (From 2 different Organizations) + around 10 Helpage people..Speeches started, for every single sentence, people started clapping. I was gradually losing energy seeing all these and my hands are not willing to join and make sound. atlast Cultural activities started, old people started enjoying (ofcourse its not us). we atlast were succesfull in disturbing these elderly people, went on and started interacting. One old woman got onto stage and started dancing for Meri anganemo tumara kya kaam hein Song and one more old woman joined..i could not stop laughing and enjoying. While we are distributing fruits and sweets, Some of them started keeping these fruits safe in carrier boxes and then asking for another one, i then realized poor people are trying to take these fruits and sweets to their family. at the lunch also same thing happened. Altogether it was like a different world for me on that day. we enquired with few old people about Helpage, there was no single concern raised by any of the aged person there..thats where i was impressed about this helpage...Last but not least, Lunch with volunteers, we had good food, healthy jokes...consolidating Fun @ Food time.. (Telugu: kondari lo too much comedy undi asala, sattires yesi sampesaru.)
Here is something about Helpage, if any reader (Other than me if available :-)) is interested
Helpage is an organization who will pay visits to all Slum areas with the help of mobile vans and get all the details of Aged people and help those aged people survive better by providing them with pensions, taking them to some other places frequently...Helpage has not got any specialized home to carry on with all these activities, Helpage tied up with 911 such organizations (Like WOMEN) to help Old people. For more details visit
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Done with Mehdipatnam School

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Why Software Engineer works beyond 8 Hours
weird questions to any software engineer or in this case any body who works for a corporate...
1. whats your pay? Your answer might be anything for this question, you will be in trouble
2. you will enjoy the life like anything? may be my dress made him think like that
3. You will not stay single second more than your working hours? Here my face takes different is not a surprise, not a is some unknown feeling where we will be in a position thinking how to make this guy understand...i thought a lot abt it later, why really ppl stay more than what they are expected to
Many reasons, changes from person to person..we will discuss one by one
Browsing..many people have their own categories to timepass here. Making friends in Internet, Playing Online Games, checking current market conditions, ....person comes to office, log on to his machine, Open the web page out of his interest, start refreshing it. When work is assigned, will do work for 15 mins and thinks that a break is compulsory now and starts chatting until other guys say BYE. This conversation will go till end of the day because, other person will also be a software engineer..they will not complete work and will stay back till late night and when next day starts, whispers infront of manager, this work is making my life hell...
Second reason might be competition ( Or a sort of jealous)..This i feel is a strong reason..i have many colleagues. We really had good start as a team. Suddenly one day one of my colleague happened to stay till late night for a research. he stretched till 3AM morning and resolved some issues. Result is he got some solid feedback. So from next day, what ever we do, he is taking entire i thought of stretch so that i will also get that credit, promotion, hike and i decided to stay back...entire team followed it later. after that my manager changed the team policy and said, though 8 Hours is official, Our team stretches their day and completes work successfully. Fact is , insecurity feeling makes you stretch
Third reason, most happening reason...when i come to office, let me start chitchat rather than work. Come to office at 10AM. Before you attach your self to your seat, get a coffee and have discussion with your colleagues about what happened to yesterday night serial or final match. 30 mins of chitochat. Come back and check your mails and forward Good Morning mails to all. its 11AM now, see what are the tasks given to you and see if your work is in balance with whole teams work or you are awarded more work, if it is more start scolding your manager. its 12:30 now, get ready for lunch and come back to seat at 2 PM. tell your colleague now tht you are feeling sleepy, discuss about a topic "why a person feel sleepy" for some one hour. 3PM, try to do some work, but no interest as you became lazy not doing anything from morning. its 5PM, discuss among team and tell manager, who will just relax in his seat after his process of time pass that time and work didnt match, we need some more time. Manager wants the work to be completed at any it and come back.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Life :)

Monday, May 28, 2007
Some chillout atlast
Chilled out for last 2 days, was in room hardly for 10 hours for the last 2 days,which comprises nights also :-). Had great fun with my Btech fnds. Saw aata, Shoot Out at lokhandwala, Metro. Only film i liked is metro...but 2 days were really good because i found my self relaxed and no tensions, didnt dare to think about office, work, time reports.....
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Ground Rules
Whats wrong with me? Problems are a part of life, but in my life..everything will be plain for certain of period and at once huge problems burst out. Consequently the high profile i might have maintained will be spilled. It happened like this many times, obvious reason i could see everytime is Me and Myself. Ofcourse even a perfect gentlemen might have problems, but i feel problem should not be huge spoiling your image.
what happened now and why all these now?
For the last complete year, i have been a good rather great performer reaching more than what people expect from me. But now at the end of the year, i wish to change my career and i approached my manager..Foolish thing here i did is i looped in other managers also without knowing the concerns of my manager. Second thing is i want to change my career and i have put some effor. Everything is Ok.
But do i have the necessary Skills to get into other team? Did the information i got is genuine and official one?
these are the 2 factors which dropped me at the well. But the efforts i have kept for the whole year didnt go waste, one manager is interested in taking me. This problem is resolved overcoming hell lot of tensions.
again another problem, for the entire month i didnt logged the time i worked, i am justifying myself that i am busy for the whole month. But didnt i got 5 mins to log the time i worked? Consequently i may lose one month salary and more importantly impression
I want to set myself some ground rules to be followed atleast from today so that i will not dip into huge well again.
1. Plan every week and freeze the status every week. Use seperate notes or web diaries to do this
2.Try to use Notes and keep myself away from web
3. Do self asessment and take decision. Avoid discussing with everybody everything.
Hope i will be successful in implementing this
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
About Pune :-)
I travelled all the way from Hyderabad to Pune to rejuvenate myself and also to have a breathe of fresh air. I am accompanied with 2 more friends and tavera to visit all the places near pune. Our first stop being khandala...
Khandala - One of the popular areas for hiking (Said by many people). But i couldn'd find this khandala an interesting stop for tourists. The only positive side of khandala being it offers Panaromic view of khandala hills and few ghats. Though i was advised to visit in winter, i feel no tourist expects to see a green park and a view from there...Upon enquiry, i found that Lunawala is the place to visit if we need to enjoy view of khandalaand have a nice stay ther, but not khandala itself...
we had a disappointing start but could n't afford to spend more time in khandala. immediately we rushed to next tourist point i.e., matheran
Matheran - Matheran refers to "Forest on Top" or "Mother Forest". The main transport of being Horses and Hand-Pulled rickshaws. It has got many places to visit, Matheran involves much trekking and it is a sort of relief for us, as we had no expectations on Matheran but it has got everything to attract visitors...we started Horse ride, unfortunate a horse ride for an hour will be around 150 and unlimited ride costs some 500/-. total horse ride may go to 18 KM's which is normally a tough thing to ride on Horse. i recommend an hour ride on Horse is enough and we can come back by walk. It has got 4-5 tourist spots, khandala view, Lake view (which also contains suicide point),.....this is all i remember. summing up everything Matheran is a worthy visit. It has got beautiful resorts and interested people stay there for 3-4 days.
Last thing for the day is to take rest. we reached Panvel and rested ourself. next morning we started to Alibag, Alibag is a small town with many beaches in and around. Town contains houses in old style with old architecture. beaches are famous for coconuts and betel nuts it seems :-).
One more thing i forgot to discuss about is Pune-Mumbai express highway, can be said as one more tourist spot. Summarizing pune is a worth place to visit in monsoon, as you will even enjoy the journey
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
MBA Study Part - II
Last time i missed introduction about sailaja. Sailaja is a MBA Aspirant and she holds education background now. Here is some more informaton provided by Nagendra, Oxford business School student with IT back ground.
me: why did you choose to do MBA
Nagendra: To take a vertical shift in my career and get into IT Consulting
me: why did you choose oxford or some other Intl B-School for that? dont you think Indian B-Schools provide quality?
Nagendra: MBA requires Diversity and you will learn more from other students in the class rather than what they teach you at class.... Intl schools will have diversity in terms of nationalities, ages, experiences and the work they did
me: agreed.....
what is your opnion on MBA for freshers
Nagendra: waste of time
me: :) for a guy like me?
Nagendra: till some one gers 4-5 years, I dont think MBA will add any will not get admission because you cant add any value to your class
me: then why are IIMs giving admission for freshers and less experienced people
why there is some good will for those schools arent they real getting worthy things out of MBA?
Nagendra: if they are getting it really, why are they doing again at international schools?some people are good and they do well even if they go to KSRM
Thanks to him for providing enough details. I am expecting input frm another person. I am going to document strengths and weaknesses to do MBA with me in coming blogs
Sunday, January 28, 2007
a study on MBA
Today i was happened to face few questions. they are
1. Why do i need MBA at this stage
2. which is preferrable, Indian B-Schools or Intl B-Schools ?
I have few answers for these questions which were not convincing it seems
1.Why do i need MBA at this stage
I am techie guy now and i am not using much technology at my work place. I am not feeling fine to sit idle in the organization. I started going into people management side to balance the work. Now i am more into that side and there is not much to do even in that as ours is a small team.Option now is to jump to other team or other company. For this i need to learn a new technology, which i dont prefer. i want to be a manager at the earliest. but another question again?
what type of management it should be? No answer with me. All i want is people's manager in short duration
Coming to second question
First reason is i dont want to leave India, as i want to give physical presence doing charity
Second reason is i dont want to spend much amount on MBA
i must thank shailaja for giving enough inputs clearing few things about MBA.
Here are some of few inputs by shailaja:
Me: in what way it helps me
S: now u r someone who is coding/programming/supporting...u can changes companies...but what if u dont like the sector which u r working.what if u want to come to educational sector
r retailing.u again need to start from scratch...we dont hav that time n patience to wait for no reason
thats when it helps and if u want to b in the same become a project manager if u take another 5 yrs
MBA cuts it short to 2 yrs.
Me: difference between IIM's and Intl B-Schools
S: IIMs or any top 10 B-Schools in India definitely offer quality and if u wannt u work in India...u dont hav to worry bcos ur MBA is done in abt 5 lakhs.Indian MBA is giid when u r having until 3 yrs exp (not hard n fast rule).when u r with say abt 5+ yrs work exp n want to work in different countries...and hav gr8 n/wing with diff ppl n cultures....then intl MBA suits. Indian MBA is still academic...thats why it takes even freshers
MBA abroad is for those who are practising managers(in general) abroad requires u having good exp
will investigate into this until i am convinced about everything and all set to do MBA
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Guru - Review
First 20 Mins of the Movie - Movie starts with soothing Background music. Titles were good. Mayya song was good. Abhishek's role was well justified in this 20 mins. really great direction by maniratnam in this 20 minutes. Especially when Abhishek says " when i can do it here, i can do any where, i will start doing for my own".....can be rated 4.5/5
Next 30 minutes of the movie - Mithun daa stands as an asset in this period of time. His body language well suited the role. Abhishek was bit uneasy regarding his body language. Aish made a normal entry. Barso re song was not well shooted. can be rated 3.5/5
next 15 mins- episode before climax, Mani took the pace here, Abhishek and Mithun's action was too good in this episode. especially abhishek's dialogue delivery which is dominating his poor body language . can be rated 5/5
next 30 mins - Abhishek once again rocks here. songs have been little miserable, but Back ground music through out the movie is awesome and only rahman can make that. Abhishek's speech addressing his employees stands as highlight here. 3.5/5
next 30 minutes - real pains starts here. its again mani, who made it worst. abhishek loses the battle here completely. Mani should stop showing up his intelligence and keep the pace of the movie. Mani aimed few scenes here and brought the movie there instead of maintaining movie pace going. Asset is A.R.R's Music and Aish acting, they made movie average here. 2.5/5
next 15 mins- Mani sucks here. climax is clinching. Mani became a real escapist here. nothing interesting in this episode. can be rated 2/5. 2 only for abhishek and A.R.R
Over all Movie is 3/5. Instead of few highlights, Mani made it worst in the middle
A.R.R's magic again saved movie. Aish - nothing interesting about this girl
Abhishek - should improve his body language, everything else is perfect
Vidyabalan - Mani should answer regarding why is she there
madhavan - so so
mithun chakravarthy - another hero in the movie. best performance so far i have seen
Should thank mani except for few disgusting scenes
On Jan1st
26 day old matter....but the joy we had still encourages me to express it. its a 5 year old tradition partying with btech fnds on 31st night. So all btech fnds from hyderabad met afternoon at 1:30. We planned to have lunch. we were waiting for an important guest, who travelled from mumbai to hyderabad and he is now in a park dating girls. atlast he has come and we had a beautiful lunch in anupama restaurent, its not abt filling our stomache, but its all about filling our heart went till evening, i took permission and left for that evening and said that will be back by night...
On that evening i met niitians, i was always fascinated about that fact that my relation with niitians is just an year old, but its worth 20 year relation. it will be a real joy meeting my niit fnds, the evening i spent with sriram, sarita, subhash, raja, navin and amit is worth. startling thing over there is navin's (software engineer who is positive about having negative attitude) discussing with amit(HR guy, who always feel positive attitude is a strength). they were discussing without a single argument. As usual sriram and sarita showing up their blank faces saying they are not interested in career discussions, My self and raja having fun on rest of the people. anyways an hour with niitians never disappoints, that was an awesome 31st evening.
Now the time is 10 p.m
everything is ready, party started at 11, beautiful blend of scotch, gobi and biriyani...boring programs in T.V. except for Maa TV, where all heroines were dancing, it was bit better compared to other channels. Sreenu(Mumbai guy) is showing over enthu towards hindi songs and wanna say us that he can manage hindi now. Sivaraj, his initial stages boozing, so normally trying to have more drink and show that he has got more stamina. Obulesh, less drink- more biriyani(one or other day i would kill this guy for sure). Rakesh, Our arnold, Sunil - scary guy, myself king...we made few calls and finally we ended that night as we need to travel next morning to Nagarjun sagar...
Morning 5:00, we are in tavera, started songs..arnold started relaxing, indicating that he is not in mood. at 8:00, we reached sagar, no signal there unforunately, i disappointed my fans this time. but i was happy with the fact that i wished my parents. we had a boat ride, it was more like a R.T.C bus journey. Nothing interesting, boat ride sucks. they left in some island. we went into museum, i found it interesting to see nothing interesting in that museum...came out.
we reached cafeteria, sagar is filled with tourists, we started commenting them. we had a great laughter show there for 2 hours. we are back now. Again boozing and food. Now it is all over, thrilling journey, travelled @ 1oo km/hr till hyderabad. Missed few accidents. Reached hyd in 1:30 minutes. Thanks to our driver for making it thrilling.